Convertible loan

Initial advice on the best possible financing structure.

Initial advice on the best possible financing structure

Term sheet for an optimal initiation of the search for investors

Tailor-made convertible loan agreement, which – always taking into account the respective development stage of your start-up – accommodates both the needs of your start-up and those of the investors

Up to two hours of customization

CHF 2’500.—

Not included in the package

  • Negotiation rounds
  • Tax advice
  • VAT
  • 3% minor expenses
startupdesk [SECURE E-MAIL - REWRITE MANUALLY] *at* Desk inquiry&body=Hi,%0D%0A%0D%0AI’d like to arrange an appointment with you.%0D%0APlease call me on the following phone number:%0D%0A%0D%0ABest regards,