
Of Counsel
Prof. Dr. iur. | Attorney at law

Lorenz  Droese
  • +41 58 958 58 58
  • l.droese [SECURE E-MAIL - REWRITE MANUALLY] *at* wengervieli.ch
  • Zurich Office

    Wenger Vieli Ltd.
    Dufourstrasse 56
    P.O. Box
    8034 Zurich

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Lorenz Droese is a professor of civil proceedings and the Swiss Code of Obligations. He works with Wenger Vieli as a consult-ant. Before entering academia, he worked as a lawyer at our Zurich firm.

“Most things have more than one side – that's what makes them interesting. This is particularly evident in cases of conflict – it is important to include all sides in the deliberations: party and counterparty, what is said and what is not said. My job gives me the opportunity to do that.”

Lorenz Droese speaks German, English and French.

Lorenz  Droese

Further publications by Lorenz Droese

2015 University of Lucerne (Habilitation)
Since 2010 Professor for Civil Procedure Law and the Swiss Code of Obligations at the Faculty of Law, University of Lucerne
Since 2007 Business Manager at the Center for Conflict Resolution (CCR) at the Faculty of Law, University of Lucerne
2007 University of Lucerne (Dr. iur.)
Since 2000 Lawyer / Of Counsel at Wenger Vieli Ltd.
2000 Admission to the Bar
1999-2000 Law Clerk at the District Attorney's Office of Zurich
1998 Law Clerk at the District Court of Zurich
1997 University of Zurich (lic. iur.)
  • Swiss Bar Association (SAV)
  • Zurich Bar Association (ZAV)