
MLaw | Attorney at law

Frank Schmid


Frank Schmid is an associate at Wenger Vieli and specializes in national and international litigation before state courts and arbitration tribunals. Frank Schmid had already been a junior lawyer at Wenger Vieli and was later able to sharpen and develop his litigation skills during three years working as a court clerk at the Meilen District Court.

“Combining competence and professionalism and paying attention to the human element in the entire picture, I strive to achieve the best possible result for our clients.“

Frank Schmid speaks German, English and French.

Frank Schmid
Since 2022 Lawyer at Wenger Vieli Ltd.
2021 Admission to the Bar
2019-2022 Court Clerk at the District Court of Meilen and Chairman of the Arbitration Authority in rental and lease matters
2017-2018 Junior Lawyer at Wenger Vieli Ltd.
2016 Internship at the Swiss Embassy in Singapore
2015 University of Zurich (MLaw)
2013 University of Zurich (BLaw)