
MLaw | Attorney at law

Lukas Groth


Lukas Groth has been admitted to the bar since 2022 and practices primarily in the area of litigation before the state courts and arbitral tribunals. Prior to his admission to the bar, he completed internships at Wenger Vieli and at a trial court.

“What I particularly value about the legal profession is its diversity. Depending on the situation, it may require a detailed examination, a constructive solution, or strong advocacy for the client's stance. This spectrum of activities enriches the everyday work.“

Lukas Groth speaks German, English and French.

Lukas Groth
Since 2022 Lawyer at Wenger Vieli Ltd.
2022 Admission to the Bar
2020-2021 Legal Internship at the District Court of Bremgarten (AG)
2019-2020 Junior Lawyer at Wenger Vieli Ltd.
2019 University of Zurich (MLaw)
2018 University of Zurich (BLaw)
2017 University of Uppsala (exchange semester)
  • Swiss Bar Association (SAV)
  • Zurich Bar Association (ZAV)