
MLaw | LL.M. | Attorney at law

Manuela  Staudenmann


Manuela Staudenmann primarily works in the field of litigation, dealing with complex national and international disputes. Before joining Wenger Vieli, she worked at a court of first instance and in a large Zurich-based commercial law firm.

“What excites me about my work as a litigation attorney is the focus on strategy and problem-solving. I love recognizing the nuances of each individual case, identifying the key arguments and counterarguments, and thereby developing the best approach to the dispute's resolution.”

Manuela Staudenmann speaks German and English.

Manuela  Staudenmann
Since 2023 Lawyer at Wenger Vieli Ltd.
2023 Admission to the Bar
2021-2022 Judicial Clerk at the District Court of Bremgarten
2020-2021 Junior Lawyer at Niederer Kraft Frey Ltd.
2020  Universiteit van Amsterdam (LL.M.)
2020  University of Zurich (MLaw)
2018 University of Zurich (BLaw)