Wenger Vieli Ltd. Dufourstrasse 56 P.O. Box 8034 Zurich
Dominique Roos mainly advises in the areas of pharmaceutical and health law, competition law, data law, intellectual property law, and technology law.
“After I let go of my first career aspiration of becoming a farmer in second grade, there was only one dream job for me: lawyer. I am fascinated by the intellectual and linguistic precision associated with the job, as well as the variety of the work. In my areas of specialization, I also appreciate the fact that I can contribute to the development of topics that are relevant to the future by providing legal advice.”
Dominique Roos speaks German, English and Spanish.
Deal: Verium AG, Zurich, closes Verium I SCSp continuation vehicle for Toradex and MiT at CHF 120 million
Deal: Wenger Vieli advised Kontron AG on the sale of significant parts of Kontron's IT Services business